Sneak peak into Erin Haugerud's spooky Halloween home!
It's almost Halloween and we have 2 little kiddos (Addi 5 1/2 and Preston 2 1/2) and I love to incorporate Halloween decorations into the home because I think it's so fun! And let's be honest though - It's for me too! We also have a bunch of little kiddos in the neighborhood and I just love to have it a bit spooky for Halloween!
Where did I get all if the decorations?! Target of course! Scroll through the post because there are links to all of the newer decorations below!
The trick to Halloween decorations is to decorate for fall first and then build the Halloween decorations on top of those so that once Halloween is over, just remove them and you are still decorated and ready for Thanksgiving.
Go ahead - take a little spooky tour and enjoy!

Halloween Decorations
Click on Image for Link to Product