Let me just say - I LOVE FALL! It is by far my favorite season and every year when it rolls around I am reminded why. If you didn't get a chance to check out my blog post How to Hygge for Fall, check it out! There are some great fall finds in there and will get you thinking fall again! I provided a laundry list of reasons why I love fall in that blog and for good reason - they just scream fall!
Here are a couple of things I experienced in the last couple of weeks that stand for fall for me!
Coffee Houses with Amazing Architectural Detail
Hot coffee has fall written all over it! Now I don't go for the pumpkin spice lattes like I used to. I ALWAYS reach for a hot Americano - the stronger, the better! Not only does coffee scream fall, it screams hygge. Most Danes relate a hot beverage with hygge and actually refer to it as coffee-hygge. What's more hygge than hot coffee in the fall?!
Act like a tourist in your own city - I read that somewhere and when I realize where I did, I'll let you know but it's so wise because there are always places to explore in your city that you've never been but we tend to gravitate to what is familiar. A couple of weeks ago when my daughter and I got together with a good friend and my mom for coffee, we decided on Spyhouse Coffee in Uptown Minneapolis. There's something about a coffee shop that I just can't get enough of. And when I happen upon a coffee shop like this, I could spend hours in it! I'm a sucker for amazing architecture and detail and love when it's preserved and turned into a place where people can still enjoy. Spyhouse Coffee in Uptown is a 1907 brownstone with exposed brick, tin ceilings, antiques, loads of character and quaint surprise nooks. Not to mention the coffee is amazing!
Here's a little eye candy for you!
First Day of Kindergarten
I have not associated back to school with fall since I was done with school myself. Now that I am a parent with a Kindergartner, this will be added to the list. I wanted to add this to the blog for a couple of reasons:
My babies are my everything's and when I share about my life, the story usually has them in it.
When talking to my daughter after her first day, she really got me thinking about home and what it means to her and ultimately what it means to most people.
To elaborate on my second point, when my daughter came home from school after her first day, I could barely pry any information from her. She just seamed overwhelmed but continued to say that she just wanted to get home. That evening, she willingly came inside from playing because she just wanted to be with me and be home. When I put her to bed that night I talked to her about her day. She finally started opening up but then lost it and kept saying that she just wanted to get home. A home is where she feels safe.
So this got me thinking more about why I do what I do and why I love it so much! A home is where we come back to at the end of a long day. It's where we find comfort and peace. It's our resting place. It's our safe haven. It's where we gather, inviting friends and family. This is home.
We look to create an oasis for the families we design for because of this. One that is a reflection of who they are and a space that is just a little sweeter than before. We want our families to love their spaces! This is why I do it. Because there are little kindergartners out there who can't wait to get home after their first day of school. <3

Our sweet baby girl before her 1st day of Kindergarten