I thought it would be fun to launch my website with a little more about myself. Over time you will get to know my design aesthetic but I wanted you to get to know the designer behind it all! - I’ve been told I’m a pretty cool chic! Ha!
Let’s do a quick “Interview” shall we?!

Who is Erin Haugerud - the Designer behind it all?
Good question! I thought I would have this all figured out by now too! What’s important to me is that I am a mother first and foremost! Never in my wildest dreams did I think that little humans would be so amazingly important and be my everythings!
I have a little girl Addi (5 1/2) and a little boy Preston (2)! I am also a wife to an amazing father and husband – Mitchell (Mitch when I’m not mad at him ?)
We also have our 2 fur babies – Arnie and Augusta – they will pop up from time to time in pics because who doesn’t love dogs in décor!

Addison Mae Haugerud

Preston Neil Haugerud

Arnold Palmer and Augusta National
How did you get started in your career?
As a small child I loved creating collages from magazine cutouts. I would spend hours flipping through magazines, clipping out images that attracted me and gluing them to poster boards or construction paper. I eventually created a three ring binder where I kept all of my creations in a nice organized fashion - where was Pinterest back then?! I realized over time that my eye for design and all things beautiful were evolving.
I decided to put my eye for design to the test. I would redo my bedroom…over and over (and over) again, refining my design and my skills and painting every inch of that room 1,000 times over! Luckily my mom encouraged my obsession, mostly because she understood it. She too had a passion for design, which is where I inherently obtained it to begin with! She always said we’d move out of that house with the walls 2 inches thicker than when they moved in (from all the paint).
I remember watching my mom as she carefully and artfully rummaged through garage sales, finding what she considered to be amazing pieces. She would apply a new coat of paint, some new fabric and a little (sometimes a lot) elbow grease, and they naturally became master pieces!
I started to take on a lot of these qualities I observed over the years and applied them in my own life. I did this as a passion for years for myself and others around me.
Fast forward a few years… obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Communications and spending almost 10 years in the industry. This is where I realized that there was so much more for me out there where I could apply these skills with my passion for design. I embarked on a journey back to school where I obtained my education in design with so much encouragement and support of my friends and family. I wanted more and I knew I had finally found it – the design world was where I ultimately was destined to be.
And this is where you’ll find me today, fully engrossed in the design world, carefully and artfully improving the homes and businesses of others!

Erin Haugerud as a young child

Mom and I refinishing dining chairs
What’s your design focus?
I began in the residential sector of the design industry where I focused heavily on homes and improving and designing the many spaces within them – kitchens, family rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc. – you get the idea! Over time I started to move into the commercial sector of the design industry – office buildings - and I gotta tell ya – I love it just as much! In all reality – wherever I get to be creative is where I love to design!

What do you like most about your job?
The creativity and freedom to be creative! I feel so alive when I’m “working”! I never thought a job could be so amazing and so fun! I am exactly where I’m supposed to be – there isn’t anything about my career that I don’t like.
I used to dread Sundays because that meant Monday was right around the corner. Then I started getting that pit in my stomach on Saturdays, thinking about how Sunday was coming so quickly! I decided then that that was no way to live my life!
I would never take back the years I spent in school obtaining my degree and the years I spent in Marketing and Investor Relations because this laid the ground work for owning and running my own business today! It was my destined and required path to get where I am today.

Mom and I shopping for clients at one of our favorite events - the CJC@Home
Quick guide to Erin:
Favorite Coffee: Americano
Favorite Book: The Giving Tree
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
PC or Mac: PC (that one was for Mitch – he’s in IT)
Biggest pet peeve: Loud chewing – I can’t stand it!
One food you cannot live without? Pizza – obviously
Favorite number? 11
Hobbies? Running and Gardening
Well – that is me in a nutshell folks! I am so excited to share EH Design with you and very much look forward to you joining me on this amazing design ride and journey! Thank you for your support! Love you all!